Eat Clean. Your body needs clean healthy food to function as its best. Make a permanent lifestyle change and eat plenty of fresh unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Processed foods can make you feel full, however, do not contain substantial vitamins and nutrients that your body needs, If you are busy and don't make time to eat nutritious foods, drink an Instant Meal Shake so that you aren't tempted to eat fast food.
Drink Plenty of Water Throughout the Day. The rule of thumb is that you need to drink your body weight in ounces of water per day. Which means that if you weigh 150 lbs. You need to drink at least 75 ounces. If you are working in the sun and perspire a lot you will want to increase that amount. It is recommended that you measure out the proper amount for you body size in the morning and finish before early evening to avoid many bathroom trips at night.
Keep Your Blood Sugar Balanced. In general most Americans eat too many carbohydrates in proportion their protein. Carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables and grains. Protein sources are meats, seafood, dairy and soy products. Fat sources are oils and fats. You should acquire 40% of your grams from carbs, 30% for protein, and 30% from fats.
Make Better Choices of Fats and Eat Better Sources of Them. In general we dont eat enough of the good fats and too many of the bad fats. Good fats such as olive oil can be used in cooking or flaxseed oil can be used in salad dressings. Butter is better for you than margarine. Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are poisons to your body and found in most pre-packages and fast foods.
Help your Body Get Rid of Toxins.Detoxification is a very important aspect of having a healthy body. As your body begins to function better, the organs and cells will begin dumping toxins. Drinking plenty of filtered water will help this process. If you experience flu-like symptoms, soaking in a hot bath with 1 cup each of Epsom Salts and Baking Soda will be very helpful. If pain is one of the symptoms, adding ginger to the bath is often helpful. Just grate two tablespoons of freshly grated ginger into 2 cups of water and simmer for 5 minutes and then strain the ginger out while you pour the ginger water into the bath water. When the bowels need help in clearing we suggest doing a Total Body Cleanse/Detoxification Kit
Get Plenty of Exercise. 20-30 minutes per day 3-5 times per week of aerobic exercise is vital to providing proper oxygenation of your tissues, walking is a great source of this. Not only does exercise help your muscles and keep you in shape it also helps you emotionally, always fight depression with plenty of exercise.
Get Educated About How Your Body Works. Subscribe to Free health newsletters, attend Free lectures on health given at local Day Spas, Doctors Office, Chiropractors Office. Many of these offices offer FREE lectures on the basics of good health, how your body can go off track and ways to get back to health.
Nutritional Supplements and Herbs.Daily Essential nutrition is so important for a healthy body. Many Nutritional Supplements or Herbs are taken for therapeutic purposes - designed to assist a specific problems like yeast, cellulite, allergies, hormone balance, lack of energy, candida, PMS, menopause, muscle and joint pain, stress and depression. If you choose the use supplements of herbs, give them time to work and take them faithfully. Nutritional Supplements take longer than pharmaceutical drugs to take effect, so be patient, youll be glad you did. When you are rebuilding these systems and organs it can sometimes take months to accomplish. In some cases you might need to take for an extended period of time or indefinitely. This is especially true of multi-vitamins and targeted organ support where the organ has suffered years of degeneration, such as for the heart, adrenals, and liver. Because of the lack of nutrients in our food supplies a multi vitamin that is well suited to you will be beneficial for a lifetime.
Get Plenty of Sunlight and Fresh Air. Spending an hour or so outside is very beneficial toward helping the body to regulate its hormone balance on its daily, monthly and yearly cycles. Fresh air always does the body good.
Set Effective Limits For Yourself. Treat your body right, don't overeat, don't over exercise, don't over sleep, dont ever drink alcohol just to feel better, and don't smoke. Take care of your body, heart, lungs, liver and the rest of your body, for yourself and be proud of it.
Nurture Yourself Every Day! Spend time every single day doing something you enjoy doing, something that helps you relax and feel good about yourself. Take a walk, read a good book, tole paint, build something, weed the garden (for some people this is very therapeutic), get a massage,get a facial, play a computer game, lay down and relax for 15 minutes, play a sport or whatever you like to do that takes you away for a while.
Be Proud of Your Body. You have a wonderful, miraculous body, be proud of it. Even if your body isn't as perfect as you want it to be, accept yourself as you are and love yourself as you are, act like you have that perfect body and then amazing things happen. I have found that body pride is one of the most important things a person can do for themselves, if you are not very proud of your body, make this change in body pride and your body will change.
Ask Questions. Between visits to your doctor write down any questions that you may have regarding your health or problems you may be having. Take control of your own health and have an open mind to alternative health sources.
This FREE REPORT is offered only as suggestions to better your health and does not make any promises or guarantees.
STUFF4MYHEALTH.COM does not diagnose or prescribe nor is it our purpose to replace the services of your physician(s).